Install/Import Deep Rybka 4 on Chessmaster XI

  1. Download this file:
  2. Extract contents to C:\DeepRybka (change polyglot.ini to change directory)
  3. Open Chessmaster program
  4. Enter Training Mode
  5. Go to Game>Import Winboard Engine...
  6. Enter Name with anything you want
  7. Browse Winboard Engine Filename to "C:\DeepRybka\polyglot.exe" (without quotes)
  8. Enter Command Line Parameters as "/cygdrive/c/DeepRybka/polyglot.ini " (without quotes). Make sure to include the SPACE after 'polyglot.ini'.
  9. Press OK.
  10. Start a new game and test the strongest chess engine in the world! Good luck!
